I would especially like to thank my wife, Kelly Merchant, www.kellymerchant.com, both for photos and her support & advice; Robert Dennis tonobung@panix.com for graphics design & overall web page design; Tony Cenicola cenicola@pipeline.com for photos;  J. Mark French for the computer, Chuck Traeger for taking me on as his apprentice (and later, partner)

Some related links-

Rob Anzellotti's Bass Capos www.basscapos.com

Fishman Transducers www.fishman.com

Bob Gollihur  has some double bass related web pages
eclectic bass - http://www.gollihur.com/bass.html 
Double Bass Links page http://www.gollihur.com/kkbass/basslink.html

Sites by or about Vertical bass users-

Harvie Swartz http://www.congahead.com, http://www.bembe.com

Matt Kendrick http://mattkendrick.webjump.com,